Friday, 16 September 2011


Hey there. I am considering becoming a pescetarian on ethical grounds and i was just wondering what people thought about it in general but specifically if seafood is sentient as that is important to me. If you comment below that would be great, thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Personally, I disagree with the idea because in my eyes (and I know there are Many counterarguments) fish are creatures in the same way that say a cow or any of the other animals we generally eat the meat of are creatures. I know there are a lot of arguments based around the idea that fish do not experience pain but it still troubles me that perhaps these studies are not entirely perfect. Can we 100% know that fish cannot emotionally feel pain, even if not necessarily at their own physical pain, then at the pain of their relations? Generally, you can prove anything with a study if you approach it in the right (or wrong as it were) way. Of course, this is just one opinion of many but if fish do indeed have a conscious then what right do we have to take it away from them.
    Saying all this, of course I'm being incredibly hypocritical what with being a carnivore but it's just another thing to think about :)
